Editorial Board

EDITOR IN CHIEF/FOUNDER // Kimberly Ann Southwick is an Aries with a Capricorn moon & rising. Her first full-length collection, ORCHID ALPHA is out now (Trembling Pillow Press, 2023). She lives in Saks, Alabama with her daughter, Esmé, and their dog, Nova, where she is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and English at Jacksonville State University. Find her on twitter at @kimannjosouth, and visit her website for more.

ART & DESIGN EDITOR // meg willing is a poet, collage artist, and designer. After a nomadic upbringing, she eventually returned to the sublime foothills of Maine—where she now resides. Find out more at megwilling.com.

POETRY EDITOR // Billie R. Tadros is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Theatre at the University of Scranton. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and her MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. She is the author of two books of poems, Was Body (forthcoming from Indolent Books) and The Tree We Planted and Buried You In (Otis Books, 2018), and three chapbooks, Am/Are I (forthcoming from Francis House Publishing), inter: burial places (Porkbelly Press, 2016), and Containers (Dancing Girl Press, 2014). You can find more of her and her work at www.BillieRTadros.com and @BillieRTadros.

ASSISTANT POETRY EDITOR // Tyra Douyon received her MA in Professional Writing and BS in English Education from Kennesaw State University, where she served as Co-Editorial Director of The Headlight Review. Her poetry has appeared in Josephine Quarterly, Muse, Paper Dragon, Black Fox, Aunt Chloe, and Storm Cellar. She's also a recipient of the Tin House Fellowship for fiction writing. She founded Write House Books, a freelance editing company and is currently an Assistant Poetry Editor for Gigantic Sequins. You can find more of her publications and editorial services at tyradouyon.com

FICTION EDITOR // Zach Yontz is a photographer, musician, writer, editor and government worker. He lives in Chicago.

ASSISTANT FICTION EDITOR // Julia Coursey has stories included in the Best Shorter Fictions anthology and The Anthology of Babel. Their work has also appeared or is forthcoming in Sou'wester, Gigantic Sequins, Booth, Psychopomp, Joyland, and The Collagist, among others. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Alabama and is a Fulbright research fellow at the University of Debrecen. Read Julia's work at juliacoursey.com and find them on twitter @CourseyJulia.

CREATIVE NON-FICTION EDITOR // LaTanya McQueen has been published in The Los Angeles Review, Indiana Review, Fourteen Hills, The Florida Review, The North American Review, Ninth Letter, Passages North, Nimrod, Bennington Review, New Orleans Review, and other journals. She received her MFA from Emerson College, her PhD from the University of Missouri, and is the Robert P. Dana Emerging Writer Fellow at Cornell College. Her essay collection And It Begins Like This is now available from Black Lawrence Press.

ASSISTANT CREATIVE NON-FICTION EDITOR // Jenny Robertson is a fiction writer and poet from Minnesota. Her work has appeared in South Carolina Review, SLAB, Hypertext, Flyway, Cutthroat, Dunes Review, Dislocate, Autofocus, and Gulf Stream Lit Mag. She has taught creative writing and literature for Front Street Writers, Interlochen Arts Camp, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and Ellipsis Writing. Jenny holds an MFA in Fiction from Pacific University and a PhD in English from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Her fiction collection, Hoist House: A Novella and Stories, was published by Cornerstone Press in 2023. www.jennyrobertson.com.

BOOK REVIEWS EDITOR // Davis Mercer is a writer and editor in south Louisiana, where he completed his BA at University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL). Recent projects include editing ecology zines, open mic organizing, and transcribing interviews for the book 20 Years of Marais Press: Imprinting a Campus and Collection (ULL Press). He currently lives in New Orleans.
Select Previous Editors

POETRY EDITOR EMERITUS; TEEN SEQUINS CO-CREATOR // Sophie Klahr served as the GS Poetry Editor from 2010-2015, and was the co-creator and curator of Teen Sequins from its inception in 2015 through 2021. She is the author of Two Open Doors in a Field (University of Nebraska Press, 2023), and Meet Me Here at Dawn (YesYesBooks). With Corey Zeller, she co-authored There is Only One Ghost in the World (Fiction Collective 2, 2023). Her work appears in The New Yorker, American Poetry Review and elsewhere. She works as a freelance literary editor and mentor, and teaches at UNC-Chapel Hill. Follow her on Twitter at @sophieklahr or Instagram at @sophieandthechoices

Shereen Adel currently lives in Oakland. In ten years she's lived in six cities, and has plans to improve on that record. But for now she likes the Far West. She was with Gigantic Sequins from its inception in 2008 when she was in New York City through about 2018. Her stamp on GS is maintained every time Team Production says the word "base line," and in other ways remains a part of what makes GS happen.
Shereen Adel currently lives in Oakland. In ten years she's lived in six cities, and has plans to improve on that record. But for now she likes the Far West. She was with Gigantic Sequins from its inception in 2008 when she was in New York City through about 2018. Her stamp on GS is maintained every time Team Production says the word "base line," and in other ways remains a part of what makes GS happen.

Ian Carlos Crawford grew up in southern New Jersey. His writing has been featured in Art Faccia and Quixotica and his photography has been published by The Advocate and Next Magazine. He graduated with an MFA in nonfiction writing from New School. He is currently working on both a fiction and a nonfiction manuscript. He loves pugs, comic books, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and hosts the Buffy podcast, Slayerfest 98. He is a GS CNF Editor Emeritus.
Ian Carlos Crawford grew up in southern New Jersey. His writing has been featured in Art Faccia and Quixotica and his photography has been published by The Advocate and Next Magazine. He graduated with an MFA in nonfiction writing from New School. He is currently working on both a fiction and a nonfiction manuscript. He loves pugs, comic books, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and hosts the Buffy podcast, Slayerfest 98. He is a GS CNF Editor Emeritus.

Robert Auld is an undergraduate at Salem State University in Massachusetts. His poems and other writings appear in BALDHIP Magazine, Soundings East, and The Nervous Breakdown, among others. Follow him on Twitter @robbyauld. Visit him online here. He is a Teen Sequins Co-Editor/Co-Creator Emeritus.
Robert Auld is an undergraduate at Salem State University in Massachusetts. His poems and other writings appear in BALDHIP Magazine, Soundings East, and The Nervous Breakdown, among others. Follow him on Twitter @robbyauld. Visit him online here. He is a Teen Sequins Co-Editor/Co-Creator Emeritus.